Founded in 2004, the Merriwa District Progress Association Inc. (MDPA) was established by a group of local citizens interested in maintaining and improving the standard of living of those in both the Merriwa township and the surrounding district.
Since the amalgamation of the Merriwa Shire Council with the Scone Shire Council and half the Murrurundi Shire Council (now the Upper Hunter Shire Council), the Association has represented the interests specific to Merriwa (and surrounds).
We also work with other local groups with the aim of maintaining, encouraging and promoting the social, economic, environmental, cultural and educational progress of Merriwa and district.
The MDPA is a not-for-profit organisation. We meet on the third Wednesday of every month (except January) at 6:00 PM in the Merriwa RSL Club at 122-126 Bettington Street, Merriwa.
for Merriwa and district.
As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on volunteers to resource our projects. If you'd like to help we'd love to hear from you.
Third Wednesday of every month (except January) at 6:00 PM in the Merriwa RSL Club at 122-126 Bettington Street, Merriwa.
We encourage new members to the MDPA and welcome guests at all our meetings. Bring your ideas and enthusiasm. We'd love to see you!
Please use our contact form to contact us online or send any mail to MDPA PO Box 144, Merriwa NSW 2329.
The Merriwa District Progress Association works on a range of short and long term initiatives as well as minor and major projects. We also provide feedback to Council on initiatives that affect Merriwa and the local area.
We welcome new initiatives and projects – from members and the public – that will maintain, encourage and promote the social, economic, environmental, cultural and educational progress of Merriwa and district.
We are proud of our track record in affecting change in the Merriwa and surrounding district. We have lent a local voice to many initiatives. We have been able to influence Council decisions and maintain a good working relationship with local groups.
Explore the current and completed projects of the MDPA to see what our community members are able to achieve.