Summary of Completed Projects
Below is a quick summary of some of our completed projects . Full details of each project can be found by clicking on the relevant link.

Five Years and Beyond
Five Years and Beyond
In early 2022 the Merriwa District Progress Association (MDPA) met with the Cassilis Development District Group (CDDG) to discuss projects and possible synergies between the two groups. During that meeting the CDDG shared their long-term plan for their district. This was an impressive plan based on community consultation and it planted the seed for the MDPA to embark on a similar planning process.

Return and Earn Machine
Reverse Vending Machine
The Merriwa District Progress Association continues to lobby for a reverse vending machine in town. With approximately 1,300,000 beverage containers sold in the Merriwa district per year, a reverse vending machine would be a major part of our waste management.

Visitor Survey
Visitor Survey
In early 2021 the Merriwa District Progress Association conduced a visitor survey using both in person and online survey methods. The results show Merriwa to be well received as a friendly and welcoming town. It seems our country hospitality abounds. While we should congratulate ourselves for our welcoming attitude, there is still much we can do to enhance the visitor experience.

Traffic Monitoring
Speed Radar Board
The Merriwa District Progress Association successfully lobbied for the installation of a temporary advisory speed radar sign in Merriwa. The equipment included a speed radar board near Witneys Creek and two traffic counters (cables across the road) near the fire station (Bettington Street) and near Quigley Street (King George V Avenue). This placement was as a result of a request made by the Merriwa District Progress Association
The Upper Hunter Shire Council – in partnership with Muswellbrook and Singleton Councils – purchased the machine outright.
Full results of traffic monitoring (which occurred in Merriwa between December 2019 and March 2020) are now available courtesy of the Upper Hunter Traffic Committee.
A summary of the results can be seen in our related press release.

Getting to Merriwa
A Guide to Public Transport to and from Merriwa
In 2019 The Merriwa District Progress Association published a sixteen-page booklet entitled A Guide To Public Transport To and From Merriwa.
A copy of the booklet was posted to every household in the Merriwa and Cassilis district with further copies are available at the Visitor Information Centre and the Welcoming Centre in Merriwa.
This local project was made possible with generous financial support from Transport for NSW, Merriwa Non-Emergency Medical Transport and the Merriwa Community Portal.