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Fun Facts
And just for a little trivia ...
Did you know?
Alexander Graham Bell demonstrated the first telephone in Australia at "Brindley Park" Merriwa
Merriwa hosted the first bushmen's carnival (rodeo) at the Merriwa Showground in 1928
Racehorse 'OId Rowley' is now resting in Merriwa after winning the 1940 Melbourne Cup at 100 to 1
Merriwa is recognised as the birthplace of the Pony Club movement in 1946
Night-time cricket was played under lights in Merriwa (in 1983), years before the Melbourne Cricket Ground (Feb 1985)
In the early days, bullock teams hauled heavily laden wagons with huge loads of wool bales long distances over non-existent roads to Morpeth to be loaded onto ships for the trip to Sydney and then on to London
Merriwa's annual Festival of the Fleeces started in 1990, and was originally held at the "Brindley Park" wool shed. It is a tribute to the vital part sheep and wool have played in establishing Merriwa as a recognised premium agricultural district
Some of the early settlers to Merriwa included: Legislative Council AL Mackenzie, Charles Blaxland ("Cullingral"), WC Wentworth, JB Bettington ("Brindley Park" also a MLC and a director of the Bank of NSW 1828-1850), George Hall ("Gundibri"), Henry Dutton ("Terragong")