Questionnaire Results

Initial Results

The results below are an initial look at the survey results from the Gummun Place Questionnaire. Please note these are raw counts. The data has not been cross tabulated and provides only an initial view of the data.

Some 40% of respondents believe the Council should have no management oversight of GP while another 60% believe the Council should remain engaged either as financial managers only or as financial and operational managers.

NOTE: Options A to C shown in the legend of the pie chart are a shortened version of the actual question asked.

It appears the community is not completely adverse to the idea of leasing GP but do not believe the Council should be the decision-maker in this process. Over 75% of respondents want either the committee or the community to have a say in the leasing arrangement and to whom the facility is leased (if this path is chosen).

NOTE: Options A to D shown in the legend of the pie chart are a shortened version of the actual question asked.

Based on the questionnaire results, the idea of selling GP is clearly a major issue for the community. Given the facility runs at a loss year on year and the losses appear to be accumulating, it is assumed there is no underlying “business” to sell. Therefore, the question was based on the idea that the facility (being the only thing of real value in a financial transaction) would be sold (along with the business functions).

NOTE: Options A to C shown in the legend of the pie chart are a shortened version of the actual question asked.

To canvas other options – particularly around community ownership, the respondents were asked to consider alternative models and also offer suggestions of their own. In this question, respondents could select more than one option. Of most significance is the fact that a locally owned (option A) and/or locally managed (option C) facility was a preferred alternative to the current model.

NOTE: Options A to D shown in the legend of the pie chart are a shortened version of the actual question asked.